Festive Florist Choice Bouquet
All our bouquets are made with the freshest seasonal flowers which will be picked by one of our florists, arranged with care and displayed in a gift box where the flowers will be in their own water and finished with a satin ribbon bow. Our florist choice option saves you making the decision, you can leave it to us to choose the flowers and colours and we will make something beautiful for you with the loveliest seasonal blooms.
The Photograph is LUXURY
If you have any specific requests, please let us know in the comments box.
We cannot guarantee same day delivery for online orders at the moment but if this is something you require please call us on 01924 260496 and I will do my best to fulfil this request.
We DO NOT offer a Nationwide flower delivery service. We only deliver within our local area – Please check the list before placing your order. If you want to check any delivery area, please call the shop on 01924 260496 and we will happily help you.
Wakefield WF1, WF2, WF3, WF4, WF5, WF12
Ossett, Horbury, Wakefield, Middlestown, Netherton, Dewsbury, Batley, Overton, Sandal.
al deliveries will be made between 9.00am - 6.00pm.
Please note we cannot do guaranteed time slots deliveries.